We all do better in healthy, thriving relationships.
Including the relationship we have with ourselves.

Here you’ll find resources to help you on your way.

I am a psychotherapist, death doula, teacher, author, existentialist, and mama.

I offer psychotherapy with a relational, inclusive approach. I’ve spent more than 15 years working with individuals, couples, and groups toward healing and growth, and guiding clients to become grounded, integrated people with better access to their own instincts, wisdom, and creativity.

I am passionate about helping parents partner better. So passionate that I coauthored a book, Baby Bomb: A Relationship Survival Guide for New Parents, about it with Stan Tatkin.

I run The Wonder Group, a weekly psychotherapy support group for folks living the dying part of life.

I lead a Grief Circle for anyone who has ever lost anyone.

I teach about embracing your mortality in my workshop, We Are Mortal!

And I love to write. Here are my latest and greatest essays.